ArcAroma General Information Description. ArcAroma AB has developed a way to control and apply electrical pulses to optimize a variety of biological processes. The CEPT platform, which is a generator combined with treatment chamber, uses the technology of Food Extraction, Extended Shelf Life, Sewage Sludge Treatment and Biogas production.


ArcAroma är ett teknikbolag. Bolaget utvecklar clean-tech produkter som används för att effektivisera produktionen av biogas och rent vatten. Tekniken baseras 

Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage. Klicka här för att följa aktiekursen i realtid. Fusion OptiFreeze ArcAroma. VIKTIG INFORMATION.


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Beslutet har tagits  2019-10-18, Arc Aroma Pure AB, J.O. Möllerström Brothers Operation Aktiebolag, VD, Förvärv, Arc Aroma Pure Ab ser. B, SE0004977452, 2019-10-18, 10000  19.4.2021, 23:45 · GlobeNewswire. ArcAroma AB: 210420 Offentliggörande av tidplan avseende fusionen med OptiFreeze. 31.3.2021, 00:00 · GlobeNewswire  Pressrelease 2018-04-20. Arc Aroma Pure AB ("ARCAROMA") möter det ökade intresset hos investerare och aktiverar en ny tjänst. Koncernöversikt.

ArcAroma och och OptiFreeze har efter att fördjupat sitt samarbete i november nu valt att gå steget längre och slå samman de två företagen till ett. Beslutet om fusion togs av respektive styrelse i bolagen igår den 19 januari. Nasdaq Stockholm AB First North Growth Market - Equities The observation status for ArcAroma AB is updated (173/21) On January 20, 2021, the shares in ArcAroma AB (“ArcAroma”) were given observation status with reference to an adopted merger plan between ArcAroma and OptiFreeze AB (“Optifreeze”), according to which ArcAroma will be absorbed by OptiFreeze.

ArcAroma AB: 210319 ArcAroma starts the development of the next generation of CEPT®-systems: 19-03: ArcAroma AB: 210319 ArcAroma startar utvecklingen av nästa generation CEPT®-system: 18-03: ArcARoma AB: 210318 ArcAroma achieves technological breakthrough in world market for health drinks - cold-pressed green tea: 18-03

Detta möjliggör väsentliga besparingar och större intäkter för verksamheterna. Omvandling av slam till biogas minskar kostnader för restavfall och genererar ytterligare gas. Källa: Arc Aroma Pure.


ArcAroma's juiceCEPT® application, which was developed for the treatment of fruit and vegetable juices, has now been evaluated as an improving part of the production of cold-pressed green tea. Tests in ArcAroma's own lab show that the cold brewing time can be reduced from 24 hours to 30 minutes by using CEPT® - with retained antioxidant qualities. ArcAroma AB (ArcAroma) received its first 2021 purchase agreement for an oliveCEPT® model IDUN to be delivered in Corsica. The end customer, Moulin Oltremonti is a top quality olive oil producer Arcaroma, Lund. 10,119 likes · 596 talking about this. ArcAroma is the innovator of the patented CEPT® technology, used for more efficient production of food oils, wastewater and biogas production. ArcAroma | 503 followers on LinkedIn. Pure Efficiency | CEPT® – Energy efficient technology in the leading edge, generating increased profitability.

2020-08-11 ArcAroma's juiceCEPT® application, which was developed for the treatment of fruit and vegetable juices, has now been evaluated as an improving part of the production of cold-pressed green tea. Tests in ArcAroma's own lab show that the cold brewing time can be reduced from 24 hours to 30 minutes by using CEPT® - with retained antioxidant qualities. Stock analysis for ArcAroma AB (AAA:FN Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Shares in ArcAroma AB are currently priced at SEK30.5. At that level they are trading at 67.22% discount to the analyst consensus target price of 0.00.
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Our CEPT® technology is based on decades of ArcAroma has developed a patented technology that controls and applies electrical pulses to optimize various biological processes. The CEPT® platform, which is a high-voltage generator combined with a treatment chamber, uses the technology within FoodTech for increased extraction from the raw material and extended shelf-life and increased ArcAroma AB (publ) operates as a cleantech company worldwide. It develops CEPT, a patented platform for the biological purification and hygiene of pumpable products. The company was formerly known as Arc A
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Arcaroma, Lund. 10,119 likes · 596 talking about this. ArcAroma is the innovator of the patented CEPT® technology, used for more efficient production of food oils, wastewater and biogas production.

Publicerad: 2021-03-18 (GlobeNewswire) Fredag 5 mars. ArcAroma AB: 210305 Kommuniké från extra bolagsstämma i ArcAroma AB (publ) Publicerad: 2021-03-05 (GlobeNewswire) Fredag 19 februari. ArcAroma är ett teknikbolag som utvecklat cept-teknologin (CEPT) som har flera användningsområden inom foodtech och cleantech. Bolaget har tagit fram tre standardmodeller, pulsgeneratorer som skapar elektriska fält under hög spänning, med ett produktionskapacitetsintervall på upp till 1,5 t/h, 3t/h, och 6t/h.

Arc Aroma Pure var en av kursvinnarna i branschen "Industri&Tjänster" under 5-årsperioden 131130-181130. Om bolaget: ArcAroma har utvecklat ett sätt att kontrollera elektriska pulser som ger ett högt energiutbyte. Genom CEPT® plattformen, som är en generator, används tekniken inom biogas, avloppsrening och extraktion.

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Tests in ArcAroma's own lab show that the cold brewing time can be reduced from 24 hours to 30 minutes by using CEPT® - with retained antioxidant qualities. Stock analysis for ArcAroma AB (AAA:FN Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.